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Te Kete Ipurangi

Te Kete Ipurangi user options:

True-false-make it right 1

Use the map of the world in resource sheet 1.5 and the language from the reomation Nō hea ia? (Where’s he/she from?). For example, with the students looking at the pictures of the animals in the reomation, use the question “Nō hea ia?” (“Where’s she/he from?”) in exchanges such as the following:

Maori version

English translation

Nō hea te raiona? Where’s the lion from?
Nō Āwherika ia. She’s/He’s from Africa.
Nō hea te kiwi? Where’s the kiwi from?
Nō Aotearoa. From New Zealand.

You could design a multi-choice task or a true-false-make it right task using resource sheet 1.5 and the reomation Nō hea ia? (Where’s he/she from?).

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