Design a cloze, where the students have to fill in gaps in a piece of text, using food-related pictures as a stimulus. You could use resource sheet 3.8 and the transcript available online from the reomation Te mahi kai (Preparing food).
For example:
Maori vocabulary | English translation |
Anei te (pereti). | Here’s the (plate). |
Anei (te) parāoa. | Here’s (the) bread. |
He (pata). | Some (butter). |
(Anei) he (rētihi). | (Here’s) some (lettuce). |
He (parāoa) anō ... mmm ... he (tino) reka! | Some more (bread) ... mmm ... (very) delicious! |
Āe, he reka. Engari, mā (te) (manuhiri) tēnā. | Yes, delicious. But that’s for (the) (visitors). |
For a more simple cloze, you could use the text in the reomation Ngā ika e rua (Two fish).
Alternatively, design a cloze task that doesn’t include picture clues. Just leave out some words in a story, instruction, recipe, or menu for the students to fill in. There are several options: you could leave out every nth word, for example, or you could omit a particular part of speech.
Once your students are experienced with the cloze technique, they could make up their own kai clozes for their peers to complete.