Tasks and activities
To introduce some simple classroom-related vocabulary, use flashcards featuring pictures of classroom objects, as in resource sheet 2.1.
Playing cards
Use the words and pictures on resource sheet 2.1 to make a pack of cards for games like Snap, Fish, and Pairs.
Bingo cards
Use resource sheet 2.2 to make Bingo cards for a game of classroom Bingo to reinforce the new vocabulary learning.
Speech balloons and picture captions
After watching the reomations I ngaro au (I was lost), Ka oreore ngā kiore (The mice are stirring), and Te haere ki te kura (Going to school), get the students to complete speech balloons and write picture captions using resource sheet 2.3.
Multiple choice 1
Create sets of multi-choice descriptors to accompany the picture of the classroom on resource sheet 2.4.
Multiple choice 2
View the reomation Te haere ki te kura (Going to school) with the students. Use the illustrations on resource sheet 2.5 for a multi- choice task using the language associated with modes of transport.
Strip story
Turn one of the classroom-based conversations on resource sheet 2.6 into a strip story. Cut the conversation into strips and ask the students to reassemble it, working in groups and negotiating as they go.
For a strip-picture task, cut a whole picture into strips and have each student describe his or her part.
True-false-make it right
For a true-false-make it right task, show the students a picture of a typical school or classroom scene (as in resource sheet 2.4) and read out a description of it, working your way sequentially around the illustration and deliberately making some untrue statements along the way.
Design a cloze task where the students fill in gaps in the text using a classroom-related picture as a stimulus, such as the one on resource sheet 2.4.
The students can work in pairs on a same-different task. Use the grids on resource sheet 2.9, where some of the pictures of classroom items are the same across both grids and some are different.
For a dycomm task, with the students working in pairs, give one student the class timetable information for two school days and the other student the information about the other three days.
Text innovation
Encourage your students to manipulate language while still having the security of predictable sentence patterns for a model.
Diary keeping
When you have consolidated your students’ knowledge of the cardinal numbers, introduce them to the ordinal numbers by keeping a diary.
For a dictocomp task, read out, twice, at normal speed, some information about a class timetable.
Your students could rewrite a timetable (such as one for their after-school activities) in te reo Māori.
Facilitate a listen-and-draw task, where each student in a pair has a numbered grid showing classroom objects.
Treasure hunt
Have a treasure hunt in your classroom using Māori commands for clues.
Role play
Try using the scripted dialogues in resource sheet 2.6 for role-plays of classroom moments.
Simple karakia
Learn the words of some simple karakia with resource sheet 8.6.