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Te Kete Ipurangi

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Learning intentions and success criteria

Achievement objectives

Students will:

2.5 communicate about physical characteristics, personality, and feelings

3.2 communicate about events and where they take place

3.5 communicate about immediate past activities.

Learning intentions

Possible learning intentions for this unit of work are to:

  • recognise, understand, and use familiar words associated with hauora
  • recognise and understand short phrases and sentences associated with hauora
  • ask and answer simple questions about health problems
  • use “tino” to mean “very”
  • ask about and express feelings
  • ask “why” and answer, using “nō te mea” (because)
  • caution others not to do something
  • respond appropriately to instructions in a PE lesson.

Possible learning intentions for extension are to:

  • recognise, understand, and use some less common vocabulary related to hauora and sport
  • understand the derivations of some Māori words for illnesses
  • understand and use some compound words associated with sport
  • understand and use some transliterations associated with sport
  • understand and use some synonyms associated with hauora and sport
  • understand and use the prefix “kai-” (a person who)
  • understand and use some vocabulary from word families
  • understand and use some suffixes to give a command
  • ask about and explain the purpose of some medicinal plants.

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