Learning intentions and success criteria
Achievement objectives
Students will:
2.4 communicate about time, weather, and seasons.
Learning intentions
Possible learning intentions for this unit of work are to:
- understand and use familiar words about the weather
- understand and use short phrases about the weather
- ask and answer questions about the weather
- communicate about the weather using descriptive words and expressions in a sentence
- describe the weather as it is right now
- understand short weather reports
- use “ki” to describe the weather in a place
- use “tino” (very) in descriptions of the weather
- use “ko” to ask and answer a question about the atua Māori associated with the weather.
Possible learning intentions for extension are to:
- recognise, understand, and use less common words associated with the weather
- recognise, understand, and use the Māori names for the main New Zealand cities and the meanings/stories behind them
- discuss weather in the past
- discuss the coming weather
- understand and use some time phrases to describe weather in the past
- understand and use some synonyms associated with the weather
- understand and use “kāore”
- use the word “āhua” to mean “quite” or “rather”
- explore the way some words are used in gradations
- learn the Māori names for ngā hau (winds)
- recognise elements of weather in spoken texts, such as karakia
- understand and use the days of the week developed by the Māori Language Commission.