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Te Kete Ipurangi

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Ngā tau nui (Big numbers)


This reomation shows how to express expanded numerals, as needed in dates.

Language Focus

You will learn how to express numbers using thousands (mano), hundreds (rau), tens (tekau) and ones.

Transcript and Translation

Speaker Māori English
Rōpū tamariki (off-screen) Ngā tau nui. Big numbers.
Rōpū tamariki (off-screen) Rua mano mā tahi.Rua mano mā tahi.Kotahi mano, iwa rau, iwa tekau mā waru.Kotahi mano, iwa rau, iwa tekau mā waru.Rua mano mā whā.Rua mano mā whā.Rua mano mā rua.Rua mano mā rua.Rua mano tekau.Rua mano tekau.Rua mano, rua tekau mā tahi.Rua mano, rua tekau mā tahi. Two thousand and one.Two thousand and one.One thousand, nine hundred and ninety eight.One thousand, nine hundred and ninety eight.Two thousand and four.Two thousand and four.Two thousand and two.Two thousand and two.Two thousand and ten.Two thousand and ten.Two thousand and twenty one. Two thousand and twenty one.

