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Unit 2 Taku akomanga (My classroom)


Mā pango mā whero ka oti.

By black and red together it is done.

(The united effort of the leaders and the workers will get things done.)


Introduce the following aspects of tikanga Māori to your students:

  • We are responsible for looking after our classroom and showing respect for the people and the things in it.
  • The concept of ako is reciprocal. We learn different things from one another all the time. Teachers, students, parents, and whānau can all learn from each other.
  • Beginning the school day with a karakia is an appropriate way for many to set the tone for the day.

Beside the examples of te reo Māori in the following tasks and activities, English translations are provided to assist you. They are not literal translations, but how to say the same thing in English. This support does not mean that you should necessarily say the English. That depends on the task or activity and your students’ needs.

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